Reports are dwindling, and robins have passed the 60-degree latitude mark in Alaska and Canada. They were eagerly awaited and joyously welcomed:
"I saw a robin sitting on top of a spruce tree and calling, on April 25. We expect to hear a song or two in the next few days. Spring!"
04/25/15 Stan W. in Voznesenka, Alaska
Shageluk Welcomes Robins
Our northernmost observation post at Innoko River School in Shageluk Alaska has robins! The average sighting date for first robins there is around April 27, but last spring set a record for the latest robin sighting (May 15). The robins are now back on schedule, according to Grade 5 teacher Joy Hamilton:
"I HEARD and SAW Robins on Sunday, April 26. Temps have been in the 40s for several days."
Teacher Joy Hamilton at Innoko River School, Shageluk, Alaska

Tom Ernst
Cleaned and Preened

Peg Sutherland
Hello, Robin?