Welcome to Journey North's 23th season! Across North America, citizen scientists are reporting their first robin, waves of migrating robins, the first robin song they hear, and their first earthworms. Each sighting provides a snapshot in time of where robins are and what they are doing. Join us and watch the story of spring migration unfold!

"Robins fluttered in a thicket as it was beginning to snow," reports Linda S. from Iowa on January 19th.
On the Move
During winter, robins wander in flocks finding food and avoiding predators. They feast on fruit-filled trees until the branches are bare and then move on to search for more. Throughout January, observers noted where waves of robins were looking for food:
"Saw a flock of about a hundred robins along the east shore of Lake Calhoun around noon on January 13th. They were in an evergreen tree, on the snowy ground, and in fruit trees," reported Mary A. from Minnesota.

"Robins under a shrub foraging for worms on January 30th," reports Ann from New Jersey.
On the Lookout
Alone or in a flock, robins are ever-vigilant, constantly surveying their surroundings for food and potential predators. When you report where you are seeing robins in February, describe what behaviors you notice. Your observations help shed light on the many mysteries of robins and migration.