Robin Migration News: March 23, 2016
By Rita Welch

Robins are breaking out in song across the United States and the main migration is moving into Canada.

Crossing Canada
During the past week, robins were reported in 8 of the 10 Canadian provinces. In Ontario, one observer described how the migration progressed through his home town of Saint Catharines:

"After the waves went through here, there were a few days of scattered sightings. Now they seem to be in pairs in most neighbourhoods. There is morning singing now as well, so their turf is being divided for the coming event of nest building."

Northern Observation Posts
As robins move across Canada and into Alaska, they cross regions where fewer people live. Thanks to volunteers at the Northern Observation Posts, shown as stars on the migration maps, we'll continue to have sightings as robins cross the continent.

"First robin arrived on the Equinox—perfect," wrote our observer from Haines, AK.

Explore: Northern Observation Posts

How long will it be until robins arrive in Shageluk, Alaska? Predict when observers from our Northern Observation Posts (NOPs) will see their first robins and hear territorial songs.



Report Your Sightings
Robin Migration: What to Report Robin Migration Map: First Robin Robin Migration Map: Waves of Robins
What to Report First Seen
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Robin migration map: First robins heard singing Robin Nesting Behavior Earthworm migration map
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Next Update March 30, 2016