Robins are singing in more northern places and nesting has begun. From south to north, observers report robins in various stages of migration and nesting.

On March 21st, a day before forecasted snow, robins were picking up twigs and dried grass in Wisconsin.
Signs of Change
Spring break and snow storms may explain why fewer sightings were reported this past week. As March ends and April begins, observers are noting signs of change:
"Robins were picking up twigs and dried grass. 6+ singing at dawn. Also, 6-12 over grassy areas in search of worms and bugs. Forecast for next 2 days, 6-8 inches of snow," reported Ruth Harker from Sheboygan, Wisconsin on March 21st.
When the first females arrive, you'll notice their plummage appears faded and drab in comparison to the male plumage. Watch for robins carrying nesting materials, building nests, and laying eggs that will hatch 30 days later.
"On March 22nd, I woke up to a robin singing cheerily around 6:15 am. Truly a sign of spring even though a snow storm is heading our way tomorrow. There have been 3-4 robins around every day now for a couple weeks. Their breasts are very dark and 2 of them have been fighting, so I don't think the females have arrived yet," reported Darleen from Allenton, Wisconsin.
"Male and female hanging out in our yard for 4 days now. Hope they will be nesting nearby," wrote Patty from Grayslake, Illinois on March 22nd.
