Who's Sending Butterflies?

Just as each hand-crafted butterfly carries with it a message of friendship and concern for the monarch's winter habitat, so does the messages on the Symbolic Monarch Map. Here are a sampling of messages you can find by clicking the map, or scrolling through the reports:

  • We love Monarch butterflies! Please take care of them this winter. Thank you! -Teeswater, Ontario
  • We are very happy to participate in this global friendship project! Nos da mucho placer participar en este proyecto mundial de la amistad. -Glen Ridge, New Jersey
  • Our second grade class has been studying different types of orange and black butterflies. We were able to go to a local public garden where we similated a Monarch's travels to Mexico. Some were eaten along the way, some hit by trucks. But a few made it. -Wichita, Kansas
  • Thank you for taking care of our butterflies for the winter. We can't wait until spring to see them return! Gracias por cuidar a las mariposas monarcas este invierno, de parte de sus vecinos del norte! -Hudson, Quebec
  • This year we raised monarchs in our classroom and released 30 butterflies. We have also been wearing pedometers to race the butterflies to Mexico. -Dendron, Virginia
  • We wish our butterflies all the best. Thank you children of Mexico for caring :) Deseamos a nuestras mariposas todo el mejor. Cuando recuperamos el Internet en nuestras clases comprobaremos en ellos. Niños de gracias de México para preocupación :) -Saint Petersburg, Florida
  • Good luck butterflies.....can't wait for you to come back!!!!!! -Albert Bridge, Nova Scotia