Symbolic Migration Update: April 24, 2007  

Today's Report Includes:


Symbolic Migration Map: Can You Find Your Butterfly? >>

Symbolic Butterflies are flying across the land. Over 600 appeared on the Symbolic Migration map within 24 hours. Did anybody find yours?

Students: Look at map >>
Find out if your butterfly has been found!

Teachers: Add to map (please!)>>
We can't track Symbolic Monarchs without your help! Please add to the map using this simple form.


Slideshows: How to Participate
Students: >>
How to watch for your butterfly.
Teachers: >>
How to add to the map.
Bye, Bye Butterflies! Friendship and Monarch Conservation
The workers at Journey North Symbolic Migration headquarters were kept busy for a month getting your envelopes filled with far-flying butterflies!
Workers prepared the envelopes carefully; hand filling and inspecting each one so the butterflies would have a safe journey. Finally, all the beautiful symbolic butterflies clustered together for one last gathering. When they were all ready to go it was an impressive sight. The mail boxes were bursting at their seams! Sp06_27

A little monarch arrived just in time to help load the last of the butterflies before they journeyed off!


More pictures >>

"Bye, Bye!"
Year-end Evaluation: Please Share Your Thoughts! >>

Will you take a few minutes to complete our Year-end Evaluation?

Only with your help can we document Journey North's reach, impact and value. The information you provide is critical for planning new initiatives and for improving Journey North. Thank you!

Year-end Evaluation >>

See You Again Next Year!

Please Join Us Next Fall: Postmark Deadline for Fall 2007 Symbolic Migration to be Announced.

This is the Last Symbolic Migration Update for Spring 2007. Thank you for participating!