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FINAL Robin Migration Map
Spring, 1998
(Click on face of map to enlarge.)
About This Study
Journey North News
- FINAL Robin Migration Update: May 19, 1998
Thanks for helping to build this picture of the robin's spring migration. We hope you'll join us
again next spring for the robin's last migration of the 20th century. The first robin of spring is always a wonderful
thing to see, but the robins of summer are equally fascinating. Here are some summertime robin research projects
to conduct in your own backyard.
- Robin Migration Update: May 5, 1998
With the last few sightings from Alaska, this spring's robin migration has come to an end. Now the
robins are sitting.....Watch for the first young of the year to hatch, and watch how robins watch out for predators.
Also included in today's report: Answers
from the Robin Expert.
- Robin Migration Update: April 22, 1998
Robins Arrive Across Alaska! According to observers in the far north, the
robins have almost reached the end of the road. No
word yet of robins arriving in Fairbanks, and Kodiak has been waiting for 10,000 years for robins to fly the mere
15 extra miles to their island. When you hear a robin singing in your backyard
today, you have Rachel Carson to thank!
- Robin Migration Update: April 7, 1998
As the final northern U.S. citizens greeted their first robins last week, the migration spread into
the northern latitudes of Canada. How much longer will it take the robins to reach the end of the road? We challenge
you to predict when the first robins will be seen in Anchorage, Alaska.
- Robin Migration Update: March 31, 1998
Millions of robins were held back by cold weather on the first day of spring, but their migration
continued in earnest last week--and Journey North observers spotted 63 of them. You may have seen your first robin
of the spring, but is YOUR robin home yet? How will you know when the robin that nests in your backyard has returned?
- Robin Migration Update: March 24, 1998
Another 19 robin sightings arrived in the past week. Robin expert Laura Erikson met up with the robins as she traveled southward through the Midwest.
"The vast majority of robins are still hunkered down in the middle of the country, waiting for warm temperatures
to thaw the ground," says Laura.
- Robin Migration Update: March 17, 1998
Migrating robins must have cooled their heels during the cold, arctic front that swept across the
continent last week. Only 8 robins were sighted between March 10-15, compare to 29 robins March 3-8. Students in the northern U.S. states and Canada should be on the lookout as the migration pushes northward
in the next 2 weeks.
- Robin Migration Update: March 10, 1998
Reports of migrating robins are flying into Journey North Headquarters. Here are 46 new sightings
to add to your migration map.
- Robin Migration Update: March 3, 1998
Robins are on the move! In the 14 days since our last update, 71 sightings have been reported. When
robins find snow on the nesting grounds when they arrive, what do they eat?
- Robin Migration Update: February 17, 1998
Journey North's robin migration study begins today. Report the FIRST robin you see this spring.
Where do robins spend the winter? Results of the 1998 Winter Robin Roundup are included in today's report.
- Robin Migration Update: February 3, 1998
Where do robins spend the winter, anyway? Let's find out! Before the spring migration begins this
year, we'd like to know if you have robins over-wintering in your town.
- Visit the Journey North, 1997 Archives
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