Jim Gilbert

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Tulip Garden Update: April 10, 1998
Spring's Progress
as of April 10, 1998
Today's Update Includes:
Tulip Garden News & Data
Tulips bloomed in Scotland this week--and are now breaking the soil in Alaska! Though our "official"
garden in Anchorage, AK is still buried in snow, the word arrived yesterday from Sterling, on the Kenai Peninsula:
Sterling, Alaska
"Today three tulips are starting to break through the earth in our test plot in the school yard. We planted
some tulips close to our school building, and they have been up for a month! We didn't think there would be such
a big difference in the emergence of the two groups of tulips." (shepner@kpbsd.k12.ak.us)
Challenge Question # 7
"Why do you think the Scotland garden (60.52 N) bloomed at roughly the same time that gardens in Fairlee,
Vermont (43.91 ), White Bear Lake, Minnesota (45.09 ) and Winifred, Montana (47.63) were just emerging?"
(To respond to this question, please follow the
instructions at the end of this report.)
Students Report Spring Fever
"Our first tulips have opened. We are so happy this happened before spring break. This is about two weeks
earlier than last year. We have been working on a spread sheet measuring the size of the plant, the daily average
temperature, and how much it has grown each week. We noticed at the plants grew 4.5 centimeters the week we had
record breaking warm weather. They did not grow at all the week we had a cold snap."
Doreen Murphey
Cranston, Rhode Island
Looking Back on Your Predictions
As promised last week, here's a growth chart from our 11 official gardens. How do the predictions you made last
fall compare?
Challenge Question # 8
How did your predictions compare to the actual results? What did you learn that surprised you the most?
(To respond to this question, please follow
the instructions at the end of this report.)
Growth Chart
1998 Official Journey North Gardens
Official Garden Site |
Date Emerged |
Date Bloomed |
Anchorage, AK |
Not Yet
Not Yet
Palo Alto, CA |
Washington, DC |
Boston, MA |
Pequot Lakes, MN |
Not Yet
Mississauga, ONT |
Hood River, OR |
Nashville(Franklin),TN |
Houston, TX |
Salt Lk City, UT |
Not Yet
Newport/Tay, SCOT |
How to Respond to Today's Challenge Question
Please answer only ONE question in each message.
1. Address an e-mail message to: jn-challenge-tulip@learner.org
2. In the Subject Line of your message write: Challenge Question # 7 (or #8)
3. In the body of your message, answer the question above.
The Next Tulip Garden Update Will be Posted on April 24, 1998
Copyright Journey North 1998. All Rights Reserved