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Journey North News will be posted on Wednesdays:
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Journey North News
- FINAL Humpback
Whale Migration Update: May 26, 1999
As the migration season draws to a close, we thank whale expert Anne
Smrcina for another fantastic season! The humpbacks have returned to their northern
feeding grounds in large numbers. This brings lots of whalewatching, and new guidelines
too. Plus, Anne sends two Web sites to track the whales this summer!
- Humpback Whale
Migration Update: April 28, 1999
First Mother/Calf Pairs Arrive at Stellwagen! What's in a name? Can
you figure out the rules for Humpback naming? Teachers can link to a free whale curriculum
available on the CRU web site.
- Humpback Whale
Migration Update: April 14, 1999
- Mothers and last year's calves have appeared off Cape Cod's Stellwagen
Bank over the past days. Why do you suppose these are usually the first to return
each spring?
- Humpback Whale
Migration Update: March 31, 1999
Good News for all of you whalewatchers out there, the whales have
arrived at Stellwagen Bank! Are there any whales still left in the Dominican Republic?
Learn about knots and nautical miles so you don't sound like a landlubber.
- Humpback Whale
Migration Update: March 17, 1999
Because of a series of incidents -- three whale strikes in the last
two years by whale watching vessels -- there has been a call for stronger guidelines..
Anne Smrcina reviews the rules that have recently been established for whale safety--while
we wait for the whales to arrive in northern waters.
- Humpback Whale
Migration Update: March 3, 1999
Good weather and lots of whales in the calving/breeding grounds in
the Dominican Republic! Do you know the speed limit for whale-watching? And good
news from the Hawaiian Islands, where humpback numbers are now as solid as ever.
- Humpback Whale
Migration Update: February 17, 1999 Whales from all over the
North Atlantic are now in the Caribbean-- whales from the Gulf of Maine, the Gulf
of St. Lawrence, from Greenland, from Iceland and from Norway.Why do you suppose
all of the whales go to one large breeding ground, but separate out for feeding during
the summer?
- Humpback Whale
Migration Update: February 3, 1999
From Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary new office in Scituate,
MA, Anne Smrcina summarizes the whereabouts of Humpback Whales. Why have the Humpbacks
been slow to arrive in the calving grounds? Why are they singing a different tune
this year?
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