Manatee Migration Update: February 17, 1999 Today's Report Includes:
The Secret's Out About Dmitra and Ivan!
Dmitra and Ivan are definitely in the same family--in fact, they're a cow and
calf! According to scientist Cathy Beck, Dmitra is a small mom, 281 cm. and Ivan
is a big male calf--209 cm now. Sirenia scientists first met them in Feb 1998, wintering
in the warm spring waters of Crystal River. Ivan was probably born in the summer
of 1997. When Do Manatees Leave Their Mothers?
Today's Satellite Migration Data (Courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey's Sirenia Project)
As a class, discuss what changes you see in the manatees' locations since the last report. Then, take a closer look at the latest data for Dmitra and Ivan and try to answer:
(To respond
to this Challenge Question, please follow the instructions at the end of this report.) Why Knicky Moved--Discussion of Challenge Question #1
"Knicky started off the coast of Tybee Island on November 23, 98. Then Knicky travelled south...and stayed in the Titusville area because the water is warmer." Steph, Emily, Sarah, Scott Young P.S. Fifth Grade, Omemee, Ontario ( As Cathy Beck explains, manatees seek out warmth in winter because they "are susceptible to cold-related disease, and in the winter they gather near warm water sources such as natural springs or warm water effluents of power plants." When Knicky began moving south in early January, Cathy wrote that "We did get temperatures in the low 20's earlier this week. Knicky is our wanderer that summers at Hilton Head, SC and Georgia. She finally moved south with this last cold front and is currently in Brevard County."
Take a look at these satellite weather images. Can you see how the falling temperatures correlate with Knicky's movements south? As you consider the falling temperatures, try to answer this:
(To respond
to this Challenge Question, please follow the instructions at the end of this report.) Hot Spot for Manatees
We are lucky to have Ranger Wayne providing us with this unique manatee data for the third year in a row. Each day, Ranger Wayne canoes into the Run to conduct his manatee "Roll Call." He identifies each individual manatee and counts the total, measures water temperatures in the "Run" and the river, and the high and low air temperatures too. To learn more about "Deep Dent", "Georgia", "Peaches" and Ranger Wayne's other visitors at Blue Spring this season, go to: A sample of Ranger Wayne's Blue Spring data for this season is below. Discuss the changes that you see from one date to another, and then see if you can answer this:
How to Respond to Today's Challenge Questions Please answer ONLY ONE question in each e-mail message!: 1. Address an E-mail message to: 2. IMPORTANT: In the Subject Line of your message write: Challenge Question #3 (OR #4, OR #5 ) 3. In the body of the EACH message, give your answer to ONE of the questions above. The Next Manatee Migration Update will Be Posted on March 3, 1999.
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