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Journey North News
- FINAL Tulip Garden Update: May 21, 1999
We bid farewell to Spring, 1999 with this snapshot of the greening of spring across North America--thanks
to you! How will the spring of 2000 compare to those we've tracked in the 1900's? We hope you'll join us next year
and find out! Watch for planting instructions, bulb ordering information and other details in August. In the meantime,
here are suggestions for new ways to use your old bulbs.
- Tulip Garden Update: May 7, 1999
Congratulations to our Canadian gardeners, who waited patiently while students in 256 other places
reported their news. But at last, students in New Brunswick and Manitoba have something to proclaim....Now that
the year is drawing to a close, here's a growth chart from our 13 official gardens. How do the predictions you
made last fall compare?
- Tulip Garden Update: April 23, 1999
Never mind waiting for April showers, tulips are already blooming in 61 new gardens. But as
you plot spring's journey north on your map, don't forget: There are people who are STILL WAITING?And by the way,
what does the ocean have to do with tulips?
- Tulip Garden Update: April 9, 1999
Spring arrived halfway in Haines, Alaska. "Half our garden is still buried under snow!"
Meanwhile, the word has arrived from Holland: "De tulpen staan in bloei." Why do you suppose tulips are
already BLOOMING in Holland (52 N) when they are only EMERGING across the ocean, in places VT (44 N) and NH (43
- Tulip Garden Update: March 29, 1999
Spring has advanced quickly during the past two weeks, bringing tulips to the surface in 85 new
gardens since our last update! Students across the continent are puzzled by the same observation: Is it possible
that tulips buried under the cold, cold snow have been growing?
- Tulip Garden Update: March 12, 1999
"Nobody sees a flower, really--it is so small--we haven't time, and to see takes time, like
to have a friend takes time," said Georgia O'Keeffe. What do you see when you take a close and careful look
at your own garden? Use as many descriptive words as you can--and feel free to make up your own.
- Tulip Garden Update: February 26, 1999
Thomasville tulips are the 1st to Bloom! "We thought they would bloom in March," said
the proud Alabama students. Spring's Journey NORTH? As you look where tulips have begun to
grow, you may be surprised.
- Tulip Garden Update: February 12, 1999
The first tulips of 1999 have emerged. Now where do you suppose they are? How long does it take
a tulip to grow, anyway? Read today's tip from the fastest-growing garden in the land.
- Tulip Garden Update: January 15, 1999
A grand total of 308 Journey North Gardens are now planted and waiting for Spring. What's happening to your underground bulbs right now?
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