S. Maslowski - USFWS
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Journey North News will be posted on Thursdays
Feb 17, Mar. 9*, 16, 23*, 30, Apr. 6*, 13, 20*, 27, May 4*, 11, 18* (* Migration Data Only)

Journey North News
- FINAL Hummingbird Migration Update: May 18,
The hummers have reached the end of the migration trail! Here are the final migration sightings
for your map. Have a great summer.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: May 11, 2000
Hummers have nearly reached the full extent of their breeding range! Learn why these high-energy
birds need nectar breaks each hour, which means NOT feeding. What's on a hummer's summer chore list? Hummers may
like red, but their sugar water is safest without it. Follow our directions to make an origami hummingbird decoy.
Hang it by your feeder and see what happens!
- Hummingbird Migration Update: May 4, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: April 27, 2000
The Ruby-throated hummingbird migration is spreading into the central US, and Rufous hummingbirds
have reached parts of Canada and Alaska! In Missouri, Lanny's hummers are back--and fighting! Eggs like tiny jellybeans
in nests the size of ping-pong balls will bring the next generation of hummingbirds. What's so unusual about the
nestling phase of Ruby-throated hummers?
- Hummingbird Migration Update: April 20, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: April 13, 2000
The ruby-throated hummingbird migration is quickly approaching the Canadian border--and the first
rufous hummingbirds have reached Alaska! How did they survive last week's late-season blizzards, dumping on the
East just as they arrived? Read how these tiny birds keep warm. Find out about the two-way partnership between
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and hummingbirds. Check out our illustrated hummingbird tongue and how it works.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: April 6, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: March 30, 2000
Rufous and Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds are humming their way north, making the most progress along
the coasts. What makes these tiny aviators so awesome in the air? Add the word pugnacity to your vocabulary and
see how it pertains to hummingbirds. Find out the facts behind the myth that hummers travel on the backs of cranes.
What's your design for a hummingbird tongue that "fits the bill"?
- Hummingbird Migration Update: March 23, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: March 16, 2000
People are welcoming both Rufous and Ruby-Throated hummingbirds, but who's welcoming
which species? When do you predict hummers will arrive at these observation posts? How does Debra King offer a
fine hummer howdy? What do cash, cats, and contests have to do with hummingbirds? Here's some field work you can
do while you wait.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: March 9, 2000
The hummingbird migration is underway! Where do you suppose the first hummers have appeared? Here
are 46 records for your migration map.
- Hummingbird Migration Update: February 17, 2000
Imagine life in the tropics, where most hummers are right now. What's the big attraction? When will
they head north again? If life is so good there, why do they even come back? This week's Update gives you a lot
to think about!
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