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Journey North News will be posted on Fridays
Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Apr.
7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12

Journey North News
- Meet The Mystery
Class Coordinators
Meet Mrs. Berger's 5th Grade class from Roslyn, New York. They're
back for the sixth year in a row to help us with the Mystery Class activity! Each
week they'll be hard at work gathering the sunrise/sunset times from all 10 secret
Mystery Classes around the world, so we can bring them to you.
- FINAL Mystery
Class Update: May 12, 2000
Now that the chase is finally over, it's time to finally meet your
new mystery friends from around the Globe. All ten secret sites have provided their
greetings, and they just can't wait to meet you! So, let's get started and we hope
you enjoy meeting and learning more about them.
- Mystery Class
Update: May 5, 2000
Today's the day you've all been waiting for--the
secret Mystery Sites will finally be revealed! Take a look
and see if you figured out "Where In The World" they were. And then come
back next week to learn more about them. They'll be sending you their personal greetings
and photos too.
- Mystery Class
Reminder: April 28, 2000
Hurry, don't be late--the clock is ticking. If you haven't sent
in your Mystery Class guesses yet, you must do so today. Do you know where the
ten Mystery Sites are hiding? We've provided the instructions again, along with a
schedule for the final two weeks. Have fun and good luck!
- Mystery Class
Update: April 21, 2000
The race is on! Your Mission: To uncover the secret Mystery Sites
around the Globe. The final sunrise/sunset data and clues have arrived. Read the
Special Instructions carefully and see if you can figure out where each Mystery Site
is hiding. Remember, you must place your guess no later than Friday April 28.
Good luck!
- Mystery Class
Update: April 14, 2000
Another set of clues have been provided today by your ten top secret
Mystery Friends. Time is running out, and they'll be just one more set of clues to
come. We're also disclosing this week's Sunrise/Sunset Data, thanks again to the
"Special Agents" in Mrs. Berger's class!
- Mystery Class
Update: April 7, 2000
Seen any good movies lately? Get ready for the first ever movie from
one of your Mystery friends! Mrs. Berger's class has sent in the latest sunrise/sunset
times for you. Plus, classes from Connecticut to Oregon "clocked in" with
answers to Challenge Question #3 about why daylight savings time changes don't affect
- Mystery Class
Update: March 31, 2000
No April fooling--we've got the latest times from Mrs. Berger and
her class. Can you explain why the Daylight Savings Time changes do NOT change the
photoperiod? The Latitude Sun Times newspaper brings you hot news of a new invention!
And mark you calendars for only three more weeks of clues.
- Mystery Class
Update: March 24, 2000
Last week we provided a single clue to help you estimate the approximate
longitude of the secret mystery locations. Now all you need to know is the latitude
of each place and you're there! Here are the next set of clues direct from your Mystery
friends to help you. Find out who wanted to be a millionaire long before the game
show. Plus this week's sunrise/sunset times from Mrs. Berger's class.
- Mystery Class
Update: March 17, 2000
Happy Vernal Equinox! (A little early.) In celebration, this week's
update is packed full with special clues to help you solve the Longitude problem.
There's also a Clues Calendar helping you countdown to when your guesses are due.
Mrs. Berger's class had no "problem" gathering your regular sunrise/sunset
times for you. Plus responses to last week's Challenge Question.
- Mystery Class
Update: March 10, 2000
Got spring fever yet? Plot this week's Mystery Class sunrise/sunset
times on your graph. Is anything changing? Can you predict how your graph will look
on March 20?
- Mystery Class
Update: March 3, 2000
Mrs. Berger's class has the latest sunrise/sunset data all ready to
"leap" into your classroom. Did you figure out how changing daylength affects
the food web? Get ready to "See the Light" in today's report.
- Mystery Class
Update: February 25, 2000
Mrs. Berger's class brings you "Presidential" data for this
week's sunrise/sunset times from around the Globe. Can you see the connections between
changing daylength and animal migrations? Look at the food web--do you "See
the Light"?
- Mystery Class
Update: February 18, 2000
Collect your second set of sunrise/sunset times from your Mystery
friends. What will you discover this week? Are their photoperiods increasing? Decreasing?
Or...? Mrs. Berger also sends you an excellent research tool to look up your own
hometown sunrise/sunset times.
- Mystery Class
Update: February 11, 2000
Here they are! The much anticipated first set of sunrise/sunset
times from all ten secret Mystery Classes around the world. Get suggestions from
a Mystery Class veteran on how to organize your class for this activity. Will you
be able to figure out where each Mystery Class is hiding? Let the Mystery Class games
- Reminder:
Mystery Class Begins on Monday, February 7, 2000
Rise and Shine! Remember to check the sunrise/sunset times for your
hometown on Monday, February 7. The Journey North Mystery Class project is about
to begin. Will you unlock the mystery of their secret locations?
Related Resources
Sunrise/Sunset Tables:
Mystery Class Datasheet
& Graph
Longitude Resources:
- The book "Longitude", by Dava Sobel
(Penquin Books 1995)
- NOVA Online has wonderful Longitude and Navigation information including Teacher's
Guide, resources, secrets of ancient navigators and more!
- NOVA video: "Lost at Sea: The Search
for Longitude" (call 1-800-255-9424).
Copyright 2000 Journey North. All Rights Reserved. Please send
all questions, comments, and suggestions to our feedback form