South! Migration Begins It was a crazy day, and all four pilots worked hard. Fourteen of the crane-kids were loyal to the ultralight and stayed with until landing 32 minutes later. Another crane ALMOST made the whole distance. But four of the chicks realized they were in new territory and headed back home. They landed near their old pen! (Pilot Brooke Pennypacker later went back to start over with them.) Two others dropped out before reaching the new landing site. The ground crew jumped into action. They will track and round up the missing birds, who will finish today's trip in a van--but they'll have a fresh start tomorrow. Team leader Joe Duff said, "Now that they are in new territory, we hope their insecurity will keep them closer to the ultralights ("Mom and Dad") for the next leg. But tomorrow we have to cross an interstate, so we will see. Migration 2005 is off to a great start."
Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP). Copyright
2005 Journey North. All Rights Reserved. |