Monarch Butterfly  Migration

Winging to Boone County, IN (+49.4 Miles)
November 3, 2006: Migration Day 30

More Progress!
From 200 feet altitude in his test flight this morning, Brooke gave the GO! The scramble to get airborne began. Today was Richard's turn as lead trike and 16 birds followed him on take off. Two birds flew with Brooke. But soon the birds started to break off. They didn't want to climb higher where the air was calmer. They wanted to turn around and go back to the pen! That meant a full scale sky rodeo. Joe picked up 3 and was soon out of sight. To keep the birds with him, Richard had to drop down, go back and forth over a highway with trucks that scared the birds, go up again, drop down again, and even circle around to keep them on course. About 17 miles from the destination, that culprit #615 began to drop down again. Chris zipped in with his trike and picked up the independent little chick. Together they battled trashy air to climb up and head on course. Richard and the 12 remaining birds carried on with 16 more miles to go. Said Richard, "Without #615 I found the birds much more eager to follow and we really picked up the pace, reaching a ground speed of 54 miles per hour." It was a cold day, but Richard was sweating by the time he landed with all his birds at Stopover #8 in Boone County, IN. All the birds and pilots are safely on the ground. Hooray!


In the Classroom

  • Migration Math: Click on Operation Migration's chart with day-by-day comparisons for all migrations. You'll see that in 2001 the migration was in Indiana only 4 nights. How many nights did they spend in Indiana in 2002? 2003? 2004? 2005? What's the average time to cross Indiana in the new flock's first five years?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).

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