Another Leap Forward (+48.2 Miles)
November 19, 2006: Migration Day 46

Woo-hoo! They knocked off nearly 50 miles in the THIRD day in a row of flying. Tomorrow looks like good flight weather, too! "We climbed to about 1,500 feet above ground level where we averaged about 55 miles per hour, and at times attained a ground speed of 65 miles per hour, making it just an hour-long flight," reports Richard (today's lead pilot).

"The birds just stood there as I flew by with loudspeaker blaring, attempting an air pickup. Then Brooke flew by. Still no reaction. But they eventually got airborne and circled a few times. With trikes and birds all over the place, it was hard to tell who was leading who. Once the Swamp Monster came out, the birds became more cooperative," wrote Richard. Why do you suppose they weren't so eager today?

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: Why are daily flights so short? Do you wonder why they don't just keep going? Try to come up with reasons. Then see what Joe says in Why Such Short Daily Flights?
  • Map the Migration: Use our map or make your own with this migration data.
  • Migration History: They've reached Washington County ONE DAY AHEAD of last year's arrival date there on Nov. 20! Things are looking up. Are you updating your Migration Comparison Chart?



Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).