Yee -haw! Kankakee County (+59.3 Miles)
November 7, 2007: Migration Day 26

Photo Operation Migration

Another 59.3 miles of Illinois are now behind them, and what a fantastic flight! All but one of the 17 youngsters took off with today's lead pilot (see photo). The laggard was #714 — but not to worry: SHE MADE IT! Flying 1.5 hours, ALL 17 flew the distance today. Chris and Brooke each landed with 6, while Joe had 4 and Richard 1. GO TEAM GO!

All DAR Chicks Migrating!
WHAT?! At 10:30 Nov. 6 (yesterday morning) the group of 6 remaining DAR juveniles began migration — with no adult leaders — in 20 mph NNW winds under partly cloudy skies. They flew south 214 miles and landed to roost in a small pond in a harvested cornfield in Peoria County, Illinois. They were not with other cranes. See our journal question below and meet this year's DAR chicks (Direct Autumn Release chicks).>> They're off on a history-making adventure!

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question:
    The photo above shows who flew the lead plane today. Which pilot? How do you know?
    (b-for-bonus) Think about good migration conditions and good stopover sites. Now name three things the young DAR birds did right on Nov. 6 and one thing that is worrisome. What is your prediction about where these six birds will end up? Explain your thinking.
  • Migration Math: Work it! The Indiana/Illinois state line is the eastern boundary of Kankakee County. The migration enters Indiana at approximately mile 280. How many miles to go before they cross into Indiana?


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).