Too Foggy to Fly (+0 Miles)
November 18, 2007: Migration Day 37

Wearing the white crane-handler costume is Walker Miller-Breetz, a 4th grader in Lori Trout's class at JFK Montessori School in Louisville, Kentucky. John and Lori Trout (Walker's teacher) brought Walker to the refuge both Saturday and Sunday mornings in hopes of seeing the birds depart. Shown with WAlker are Operation Migration crew members Richard, Brian, Megan, Joe, Chris, and Nathan.

Megan helped Walker to put the costume on.
Photo John Trout

Wind and fog kept the birds down again today. A crowd of about 100 hopeful watchers gathered in the dim, gray morning but we all figured out the verdict when we saw Joe and Richard's trikes swing back and forth in the winds aloft during a test flight. They could barely see each other in the fog! After they landed and put away the trikes, they piled in the truck with Chris, Brooke, Nathan, Brian and Megan. Then they came to the crowd to say hi and answer questions. They always pay special attention to the children who come. You can see an example in the photo above, and I'll share more photos in a day or two. It's no wonder everyone loves this team! They work so hard to help this endangered species. They endure long absences from their families while away on migrations. And they always have time for their supporters and fans.


In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: If you could talk to one of the pilots or ground crew, what questions would you ask? List them in your journal and watch upcoming reports that help answer your questions.

    Would you ask a pilot what it's like to fly with the birds? Here's how Joe answers that question: >> (audio clip)

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).