Glorious News! #733 is Found! (+0 Miles)
November 29, 2007: Migration Day 48

Arthur Mayer took this photo of #733 yesterday when she landed on his property in Scottsburg, Indiana. The news media in the area did a terrific job of covering the story and sending out the alert so people could help watch for her.

It's a miracle! young #733 was found last night at sunset in a field of cows, and peeping like crazy to see her costumed "parents" arrive to rescue her! They found the young chick standing in a small area of water across the fence from a group of cows. Joe and Brian coaxed the cows out of the way as they made their way over to 733. They wondered if her peeps meant she was awfully glad to see them or if she was giving them heck for taking so long to find her! Yesterday morning brought a confirmed sighting (photo) near Scottsburg, IN. She was also sighted back up near Muscatatuck NWR, and was finally retrieved near Big Spring, KY. This was about 50 miles to the southwest of where she began her wanderings yesterday. Trackers in the air had seen her earlier soaring on thermals with some Sandhill cranes, but #733 was alone (except for the cows) when she was found. Oh, what joyous news!

A Day of Rest and Celebration
With today's unfavorable winds, the Operation Migration Team will have a no-fly day to recover from the 6-day search for #733. They're sure to feel it if every one of us sends them thoughts of joy and gratitude for their profound dedication and for NEVER GIVING UP! Here's saluting the incredible Operation Migration team: Pilots Joe, Richard, Brooke, and Chris; ground crew/trackers: Bev, Brian, Walt, Megan; the volunteer top cover pilots for the second half of the migration: Dave Mattingly and Jack Wrighter; and keeping everyone informed from the office: Liz, Chris, and James. On Operation Migration's web page >> is a complete list of even more folks who deserve a standing ovation for their efforts. YOU ARE AWESOME HEROES!

Media Coverage
Teacher Lori Trout wrote: "It has been amazing to be in Louisville and watch the news develop around #733. Many newscasts from other cities have been added on the WHAS11 newscast links." Check them out, and the Courier Journal, too!

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: (a) Just imagine how the team is feeling today! Tell about a time when, like them, you tried and tried and never gave up. How do you think it helped or changed you? (b-for-bonus) Pull out a map and pinpoint #733's travels yesterday. What do you think she was trying to accomplish?
  • Can You Help? Two anonymous Operation Migration Supporters will match new MileMaker sponsorships of 1⁄4, 1⁄2, or 1 mile. This is a chance to double the value of your contribution if you can possibly raise the funds to help pay for any part of this year's chicks' first journey south. But even if you only have coins, your money can still help buy crane chow or mealworms to feed the crane-kids on their first journey south! Click on Operation Migration's home page or their Contribute page for directions!

    There are many ways to help. You can participate in Change4Cranes. You can fold paper cranes to sell like Nadia and her family, or the kids from Alexander Middle School. Tell us your ideas and we'll share the good news with all the Journey North readers as we add to our Classrooms in Action pages (more new pages coming).



Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).