7th Day Down (+0 Miles)
December 2, 2007: Migration Day 51

The ultralights are in the hangar again today.
Photo Jamie Johannsen

It's disappointing weather news in Washington County, Kentucky again: warm, rainy, and winds from the south. You know what that means. The forecast predicts a change in winds, so tomorrow may finally bring the flight everyone has been waiting for. We hope so!


In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: (a) "It takes persistence, perseverance, and A LOT of patience to save a species," wrote Joe Duff in his log on Day 49. What do these words mean? When have you needed persistence, perseverance, or patience in your own life? (b-for-bonus) Think about what the team has been through during this migration. What do you think Joe means by his quotation? Click here to read the rest of Joe's words. Then write your response in your journal.
  • Thanks for Helpful People: See a WHAS11News video clip featuring Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mayer, the couple who spotted and photographed #733 on their property Nov. 28 and alerted the Operation Migration folks! >>


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).