Turned Back from the Beast! (+0 Miles)
December 17, 2007: Migration Day 66

People who came to watch the departure got to see some great views, but the winds and clouds over the mountain ridge made it too unsafe to cross.

Photo Operation Migration

Today the 4 ultralights and 17 birds launched on this cold morning and headed for The Beast. But the pilots could not get over the ridge. The 35mp winds aloft were more than the cranes and planes could handle. Ice was forming on the aircraft wings, and the bottom of the clouds were below the top of the ridge, meaning no visibility in crossing. The decision was made in the air to give up and fly the birds to a pen site used in previous years, 10.2 miles away. Today's flying exercise was good for the birds. It reminded them of what their job is after 10 days on the ground! What's next? More news tomorrow.



In the Classroom
Today's Journal Question: (a) Have you ever had to try two or three times to do something difficult? Were you finally successful? What did you learn from that?
(b-for-bonus) Why do you think the pilots took the birds to a new pen site instead of taking them back to the pen where they spent the past 10 days? (HINT: it has something to do with the birds' health.)



Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).