No-fly Day Due to Wild Winds(+0 Miles)
October 27, 2008: Migration Day 11

See Video Clip of #814 Flying with Pilot Chris's Plane!

"The production of wind is over the top," reports Liz Condie from the migration Stopover #2. Light snow showers by take-off time and blustery winds mean Down Day # 9. But jump in the pilot's seat with Chris to enjoy the video clip of #814's close flight on Day 5! What was the young crane's reward after flapping hard to gain altitude? You'll see as you watch the video clip!

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Questions:
    (a) What was #814's reward for gaining altitude? Why do you think the cranes would want to fly close to the trike's wing, like #814 is doing in today's video clip?
    (b-for-bonus) You wrote predictions about what to expect in crane #810's future. See what took place over this past weekend! Scroll to the bottom of #810's bio page for the latest news. No one knows for sure. . .but do you think these cranes might feel a connection?
  • Weather Watch: Shortly after sunrise the winds were 11 mph out of the WNW on the ground but gusting up to 40 mph aloft. How much faster are today's winds aloft than on the ground? Why do you think it's windier aloft? (Pilot Chris Gullikson, a weather expert, is predicts a 70-30 chance that they'll fly tomorrow to Stopover #3 in Salk County, WI. As forecasts stood this morning, he thinks the odds are 80-20 in favor of flying on the next day, too! Fingers crossed.)

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).