Last Stop in Wisconsin (+ 46 Miles )
October 29, 2008: Migration Day 13

They're off to Green County — the final stop in Wisconsin!
Photo Heather Ray, Operation Migration

Now we're cooking! The young birds knocked off another 46 miles as they flew today to Green County, WI. "Crane #828 was very eager to fly this morning," reports ground crew member Heather Ray. "As the aircraft took off one at a time to get into position, #828 squealed very loudly, wanting to be let out of the travel enclosure. when Bev and I opened the two large panels to release the birds, this young male crane was the first one out." Richard van Heuvelen was today's lead pilot. The ground crew dismantled the travel pen and packed up for the trip to Stop #5 in the next state: Illinois!

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Questions:
    (a) Where were the birds in last year's migration on this date? How many days had they been migrating?
    (b-for-bonus) What is the Green County Curse? (Read last year's report for this date.) Next, check the weather maps for this area to see what you predict for this year's time in Green County. Write your prediction in your journal.
  • Western Flock News: The natural flock's first known juvenile of hatch year 2008 have reached the wintering grounds in Texas! The chick belongs to the Lobstick pair. The Lobstick male, hatched in 1978, is the oldest known-age Whooping crane in the Wood Buffalo/Aransas population. Biologist Tom Stehn said many of the cranes arrived with a strong cold front that reached the coast October 27th.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).