Headwinds: No Go (+ 0 Miles )
October 30, 2008: Migration Day 14

Down-day #1 in Green County — the final stop in Wisconsin!
Photo Operation Migration

At Stop #4 in Green County, strong ground winds are coming straight out of the south. Aloft, winds are 20 mph out of the southwest. Can you imagine flying into winds like that? Neither can the pilots in their tiny 400-pound ultralights. It's down-day #1 in Green County. We hope it's not the Green County Curse!

In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Questions:
    (a) What did the handlers say about #828 yesterday? Find out when you scroll down on 828's bio page and see the entry for yesterday's flight. Write a caption for the photo of #828. What might he be thinking?
  • (b-for-bonus) Read yesterday's lead-pilot comments by Richard. Then write about the same thing as though you were one of the cranes:
"We met bumpy spots in the air but the chicks continued to try to stay on the wing, with the occasional bird or two falling behind. I would push the bar out to slow down and let the slower birds catch up as the faster birds passed me. It was fun to watch them as they turned their heads from side to side glancing back at me to make sure we were all going in the right direction. They wanted to lead but were still following.

"As all 11 birds strung out off the wing they would jockey for position - each wanting to get ahead in the line up. One chick even tried to bite the lead bird, who deftly maneuvered out of its way while still maintaining the lead position."

Photo Joe Duff, Operation Migration

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).