No Go: Wrong-way Winds Aloft (+0 Miles)
October 28, 2009: Migration Day 13

Photo Heather Ray
Operation Migration

Winds up high are from the south today. These are headwinds, which means flying against the wind—so no flying will happen today. The crew has already set up the second mobile pen at Stopover Site #3 Sauk County, Wisconsin. Now they are waiting for the right flight conditions. Meanwhile, how did all the birds finally make to the new Stopover yesterday? (We edited that report throughout the day as events changed. The latest version has all the news about your cranes.)

The world's first CraneCam and TrikeCam give us a bird's eye view of this migration. Have you seen it?



In the Classroom

  • Today's Journal Question: (a) How many miles have they come so far? Print this chart to help you keep track. (b-for-bonus) How many travel pens does the team use? (See clues above.) Why was this number of pens a good decision?
  • Migration Math: What is the number of days between the hatch-date of the youngest bird in the Class of 2009 and this year's migration departure date? How might this affect the performance of the group when they leave on migration? What other factors might affect their performance at the beginning of migration? Sharpen your pencils and see this page for more.


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).