No Go. Time-Out at Stop #9 (+0 Miles)
December 1, 2009: Migration Day 47

Photo: Captured from Operation Migration CraneCam

With unfavorable winds aloft blowing strongly at 25 - 30 mph early this morning, no test flight was needed to call a no-fly day. Maybe everybirdy is glad for a rest today after yesterday's tough flight. Pilot Richard said, "With the rough air and one-and-a-half-hour flight time, it took more out of the birds and myself than the three-and a-half-hour flight last week when the birds flew off on their own!" Richard has been a hero on these flights, two of the toughest of the migration.

You can find out more about the five birds that didn't land with Richard yesterday by checking the bio pages for #910, 918, 927, 924 and 912. Meanwhile, Heather and Joe are visiting grades 4, 6 and 6 today in nearby Neoga, Illinois. We'll bring you more on that visit later.

CraneCam is live each day from about 6:30 to 10:00 a.m. and again from 3:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon. TrikeCam is live during migration flights.


In the Classroom

  • (a) Yesterday Richard said the birds looked "like a slinky in the sky" as they tried to follow him in rough air. Close your eyes and imagine how it looked. What similes can you think of to describe such a sight? (b-for-bonus) Yesterday the pilots tried hard to get the birds to fly to the new stopover, and it took three pilots to do it, plus 3 crates. Even though some days can be difficult, why does the team want the birds to fly the route and avoid being crated? What are risks of crating? Write your thoughts and then see what Joe says.


Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).