Calculating Distance as the Eagle Flies

Calculating distances from one point to another can be challenging. Here are a few methods for doing this.

  1. On a map we can use a ruler to measure distance, and then convert inches/cm to miles or kilometers using the map's scale bar.
  2. On a globe you can use string to measure distances, then convert to inches as above.

How can you use Journey North coordinate data to determine distances from one sighting to another?

With the help of US Census data, you can use an on-line Distance Calculator. Simply enter the latitude and longitude of the sightings and the Calculator will electronically calculate the distance between them.

Try this example: plug in these coordinates-
FROM: 41.46N 74.72W
(Lat/Long of Winter territory)

TO: 56.57N 67.53W
(Lat/Long of Nest)


Did you get this answer?
EQUALS: 1093 miles (1758 km)