Bald Eagle Annual Cycle Bald Eagle Home Page Journey North Home Bald Eagle Annual Cycle Bald Eagle  Home Page Journey North Home Bald Eagle  Annual Cycle Gray Whale Home Page Journey North Home Gray Whale Annual Cycle

Territory Nest Building Courtship Egg Laying Incubation Hatching
Nestlings Fledglings Post-Fledging Fall Overwintering Spring


This is the period when the young have fledged but are still flying around the nest territory. 

A young bird's first flight typically is not very far and fledglings are reluctant fliers. They are clumsy flyers and landing proves to be difficult. They may stay at their first perch for a few days before flying again or even spend time on the ground where they're vulnerable to predators.

Right from the beginning, fledglings will try to follow their parents on hunting trips. After fledging they'll associate with both of their parents for about 6 weeks. Parents continue to feed them during this time. In many cases, the young watch their parents fish, but they don't learn how to catch live fish themselves for a long time. Their first "catches" are carcasses found along shorelines. Soon they learn to pick up dead fish floating on top of the water.

By early fall the young eagles are able to find food on their own and the parents go their separate ways.

immature eagle
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Annual Cycle Timetable
Bald Eagle Sightings Map