Gray Whale Annual Cycle Gray Whale Home Page Journey North Home Gray Whale Annual Cycle

January February March April May June
July August September October November December
Tourists watch baby gray whale in San Ignacio Lagoon.
Caroline Armon, Baja EcoTours


Two-Way Traffic

During February, southern and northern migrations coincide along the Pacific Coast. By mid-month, northbound whales begin to outnumber southbound whales. This eagerly awaited migration event is called the turnaround or crossover period.

Peak Numbers
Meanwhile, whales in the nursery lagoons of Mexico reach peak numbers. Mothers are giving birth and nursing their calves. Whale watchers who visit the lagoons are enchanted by the babies

Facts and Photos

Daily Counts
From February to May, two research teams share data from the California coast as northbound whales pass.

Gray Whale Migration Map
Migration Route Map