Tracking the Migration
Daily Data from California Survey Sites

Los Angeles Santa Barbara

Alisa Schulman Janier

Gray Whale Observation Post #6 Michael H. Smith, Gray Whales Count

Gray Whale Observation Post #6

Daily Count

Daily Count


From February to May, northbound whales are counted during their 5,000 mile journey from nursery lagoons in Mexico to feeding grounds in the Arctic. These two research teams, each with different protocols and locations, collect migration data from the California coast. This "point count" method of tracking can help us see routes used and how the migration ebbs and flows. What migration patterns will emerge this season?

Exploring Data
Gray whale migration analysis chart Gray whale migration analysis chart
Watch Graph | Sample Analyze | Guide


Thanks to Alisa Schulman-Janiger and volunteers of the ACS-LA Census,
and to Michael Smith and volunteers of Gray Whales Count for providing this opportunity!