What Have We Learned?
Hummingbird Migration Assessment Tools

The hummingbird spring migration wraps up by early June! Your students have made predictions, interpreted maps, read and discussed slideshows, responded to journal and map questions, and dug into lessons and handouts. These offer you a rich window into their thinking and abilities.

As you review students' products and your notes, the following assessment tools can help you document what they've gained. Also consider having students use these to assess their own progress.

Hummingbird Assessment Rubrics and Checklists
Student Projects and Products

Consider using a student project or presentation to wrap up the Hummingbird Migration unit. We encourage you to co-develop or share a list of reasonable expectations for each project so students know what targets they’re shooting for. Here are some examples:

  • Ads or Travel Brochures - Challenge students to create an ad or brochure to entice more hummingbirds to join the spring migration. Students must “sell” the trip by describing the route, highlights of the trip, food resources, and what awaits them in their northern breeding grounds. Another example: have small groups create print or video ads to persuade people to plant hummingbird habitats.

  • Specific Performance Task - Challenge students to a task (real or contrived) that requires them to apply what they’ve learned. Here's an example:

    TASK: The parks department wants to show visitors how to protect migrating hummingbirds by creating habitat "pockets." Your assignment is to design and create a map for a hummingbird garden. It must be drawn to scale, list at least 10 plant types and colors, and depict other features that meet hummers' basic needs.

  • Displays That “Tell a Story” - Have small groups apply what they’ve learned and create bulletin board panels or a collage depicting changes that happened during the spring season (for example see: Follow Spring's Journey North).

  • Student Portfolios

More Journey North Assessment Help and Tools