for the Journey North Teacher
Sense of Data
to Misconceptions (and "Wrong" Answers)
often come to the classroom with firm theories and explanations
for how things work, some of which conflict with widely accepted
science ideas. These ideas, which may be reasonable in a limited
context, often arise from curious imaginations, partial observations,
or interpretation of language (e.g., plants "eat" since we
give them plant food). To shift their thinking, students need
multiple opportunities for investigative experiences in which
they confront phenomena or data that are inconsistent with
their "native" theories.
In general, if students offer theories, explanations, or conclusions
that are "incorrect," try to find alternatives to simply correcting
them. Here are some strategies that show respect for students'
ideas and encourage critical thinking. Employing them can
offer you a glimpse of youngsters' thought processes.
Can you clarify or elaborate on your thinking?
What past experiences, observations, measurement data,
or other source of information inspired your ideas?
What evidence do you have to support your idea or theory?
students a chance to revisit data and check what they think
against what they see.
Facilitate a group discussion in which classmates explore,
challenge, and build on one another's ideas.
students to conduct hands-on research to explore and test
their theories and explanations.
students have followed a scientist's study, tracked migration
data, or launched their own investigation, they can try to make
sense of observations and other data.
Start by posting a large sheet of butcher paper in front of
the class and list these categories:
did we (or the scientists) observe?
could we summarize the data?
do we know from previous experience?
information did we get from Journey North or other sources?
Have students review and discuss the information on the chart
and do the following:
one or more generalizations or explanations*
related to the research question.
a check by items on the list (evidence) that most strongly
support their conclusions. (You can also have them cross out
items that are irrelevant or not useful in answering their
Note: Students, like professional scientists, may
discover that they have to do more research to explain what
happened or answer the question.
If you have information on scientists' conclusions or explanations
of the same event or phenomena, share them with the class. Ask,
How do these ideas compare with yours? What new questions
does it raise?
A generalization applies to a large number of cases (e.g., Robins
fly south in the winter). An explanation describes a relationship
between two or more variables (e.g., Changes in wind direction
affected the eagles' flight patterns).