Why Should We Care About Monarchs?
People Share Their Thoughts

Are you ready to be inspired? Over 100 people sent their ideas to Dr. Brower! He will have a rich array of comments to share the next time someone asks him why monarchs are important to people. Full comments are provided below. Categories:

  • All things are interconnected: "when we loose one it affects another and another,"and "they continue our circle of life."
  • Monarchs inspire us: "Their ability to navigate their journey south and survive the winter in Mexico," for example.
  • They give us a common ground: "They are a beautiful insect that men, women, boys and girls, like or love--a common ground."
  • They fascinate us: "They have helped instill an endless interest in science in me that I want my kids to have," said one 13 year old girl.
  • They are beautiful: "They help make our world pretty," they are "delicate," "fragile," and "are like mini people with wings."
  • They deserve to live: "They are part of nature," and "They have a reason to live just like everyone else." "Monarchs help students learn to respect all living things," said a teacher.“We would not be the same without them,” said Mrs. Dupper's 2nd Grade class in Colorado.

Please send ideas you would like to add to this list!


Ms Cupp's Class, Grade 3

We think that you should tell the people who don't care about monarchs surviving this:

  • Monarchs are part of a food chain. The animals that eat the monarchs need to get energy. They create a food chain. Some birds eat monarchs. When we loose one food chain, it affects another and another.
  • Cody thinks we should just try to scare those people, but most of the rest of the class disagrees. Forest says you shouldn't threaten people for what they think. Brandon agrees.
  • Cody points out that they help pollination.
  • Forest says they are living things just like people so imagine if you were a monarch and no one cared if you got wiped out.
  • Destiny says we should save them because they are beautiful.
  • Kellie says they are living animals and they deserve to live.
  • Lakin says you should care about monarchs because letting global warming kill them is mean. They have a reason to live just like everyone else.

New Hampshire
Peter Woodbury School, Grade 2

My second grade class at Peter Woodbury School in Bedford, NH thinks that we should care about monarchs because:

  • they could become extinct and other animals are already extinct so we don't want to lose more
  • if they are gone it effects the food chain
  • they are awesome creatures
  • if there were no monarch caterpillars to eat milkweed, there will be too much milkweed
  • the world would be less beautiful without monarchs
  • if we lose butterflies it could mean our world is too polluted and there are too many people not caring about our environment

Mrs. Dupper's 2nd Grade Class

  • The monarch is important because they help make flowers bloom. We should care about them because they help make the world look beautiful.
  • The monarch butterfly is very delightful and kind.
  • We should care about the monarch butterfly because the insects in the world help give us fruit.
  • I think monarchs are important because they continue our circle of life. We should care about them because we wouldn't be the same without them. We also should care about them because they are so beautiful and gentle; they could never hurt anyone.
  • I think you should care about them because they should have lives like us. They are born like everyone.
  • The monarch is important because it is cool and we can learn a lot about them. They would become extinct if we did not allow them to live and have babies.
  • The monarch is important because it helps plants grow and we need plants to live. We should care about the monarch because they make us healthy. They spread seeds and seed grow. When they grow they make plants and plants give us oxygen.
  • I think that the monarchs are important because they give us beautiful flowers. We should care about them because they are God's creatures.
  • The monarchs are very important to us because they are so delicate. When they come out of the chyrsalis, we can't touch them. We should care about them because we should take care of the animals in our community and our butterflies too.
  • Monarchs are important because they help pollinate our flowers. This is why we should care about them too.
  • It is a living thing and we should care so that is does not become extinct. It is one beautiful animal.
  • I think the monarch is important because it is alive. We should care about them because we would someone in the world to care about us so we should care about the monarch too.
  • Monarchs are important because they are the only butterfly that flies to another place with the seasons. They give us oxygen.
  • The monarch is important because they might knock down pine cones and the pine cones will grow into trees that will help us breathes. We should care about them because if we kill them, there will be none left.
  • The monarch is important because they are good. We should care about them because they are part of mother nature.
  • The monarch is important because they help spread flowers and are pretty. We should care about them because we can catch them and we can also see them at the Butterfly Pavilion.
  • The monarch is important because they are a part of nature. We should care about them because they make our world pretty and they are part of our Earth.
  • The monarch is important because their pattern is pretty. We should care about them because if you step on one, it could die.
  • The monarch butterfly is important because they help us. We should care about the monarch because they eat the bad bugs for us.
  • The monarch butterfly is important because it is a part of nature. We should care about the monarch butterfly because they take place in our lives.
  • We should care about the monarch butterfly because without the monarch, the tries might die and then we would die.

Ms. Picozzi's 2nd Grade Class

  • We should care because how would you like it if they would just let you die? You should care because they may help us in the future like bees make honey.
  • Monarch butterflies are important because they are very smart insects. We should care about them because they are very, very kind. Bees aren't nice because they sting people.
  • Monarch butterflies are important because they are part of nature and are cool to look at.
  • The monarch is important because it's almost extinct. We should care because we need to help each other and make sure they are not going to get extinct.
  • The monarch is important because we can learn about them. I care about them because it is really cool to look at their colors. Monarchs are great.
  • The monarchs really help us. We don't want to destroy mother nature. They give us food. We would be bored without monarchs. It's fun to watch them and learn about them.
  • The monarch is important because they huddle together at night to stay warm. They go to Mexico and are important to me.
  • The monarch is important because it has to get to Mexico for the winter. We should care about it because it would be nice for the monarch butterfly if we cared.
  • The monarch butterfly helps us to have air and they help people live.
  • The monarch butterfly gives us flower nectar and it is a nice bug.
  • The monarch butterfly is important because it is cool and symmetrical.
  • The monarch butterfly is important because it helps make the world a better place by eating bad bugs. We should care about them because they are a part of nature.
  • Even though the monarch is an animal, we should care about it. God made him or her and that is why we should care about them.
  • Monarchs help bring more pretty flowers into the word and they are very exciting to learn about.
  • The monarch butterfly is important because it is the only butterfly the hibernates and goes to Mexico. It is very fun to look at and is very interesting.
  • They are an important part of nature and good to learn about.
  • Monarchs give flowers nectar and they are nice bugs.
  • The monarchs are interesting to know about and they are playful.
  • Monarch butterflies are an important part of mother nature. They are also important because they make babies which keeps the monarch population alive.
  • The monarch is important because it is mother nature and we don't want them to die. We wouldn't get to see them in the spring if you kill them.
  • They are very cool to look at and they are the smartest butterfly.
  • I think monarch butterflies are awesome to watch. I love all of their colors. We should care about them because they are a part of nature.

Ms. Giroux's 2nd Grade Class

  • I think the monarchs are important because they help flowers.
  • I think the monarchs are important because they spread seeds. When they lay their eggs, they are helping more animals live.
  • They are important because they pollinate the flowers. We should care about them because they might become an endangered species.
  • I think monarchs are important because they spread the seeds. I love monarchs butterflies. My brother and I chased two of them earlier this year.
  • We should care about monarchs because they are beautiful and they are endangered.
  • Monarchs help give us more food by colleting pollen. They are an important species and we should not shoot them.
  • I think the monarch is important because they are a part of our world.
  • I think monarchs are important because they are cool!
  • Monarch butterflies are important because they help our world by helping flowers and grass. They are beautiful.
  • I think monarch butterflies are important because they help flowers grow. We should care about monarch butterflies because they are rarely seen in Colorado!
  • Monarch butterflies are very special because they help the flowers.
  • Monarch butterflies are important because they are a part of nature and they help flowers grow.
  • Monarch butterflies are important because they help flowers grown and they help bring beauty to our planet.
  • The monarch is important because it is a nice kind of friend. It is also important because it travels to Mexico.
  • The monarch butterfly is important because they help flowers and trees grow. They help the Earth too and help give us more oxygen.
  • The monarchs are important because they are beautiful and cool. We should care about them because they are a part of nature.
  • I think they are cool and nice. They can help you because they help flowers.
  • I think they are cool and help flowers!

Mr. Bueke's 2nd Grade Class

  • The monarch butterfly is important because I like how it flies. We should care to help keep it alive.
  • The monarch is so important because they help people do stuff. We should care because we need it.
  • I like the color of the monarch butterfly because it is so colorful. The monarch is important because I like to watch them.
  • Monarch butterflies are important because they give us color. We should care about them because their important to nature.
  • The monarch is the best butterfly in the world. We should care about them so we can have honey.
  • The monarch butterflies help us by helping mother nature.
  • The monarch butterfly is important because we care about them and write about them.
  • Monarch butterflies are important because they collect pollen. We should care about them because bees would be busier without them.
  • The monarch butterflies are important because they migrate and go to Mexico. We should care about them because they are alive.
  • The monarch is important because they pollinate plants. We should care because we wouldn't have plants without them.
  • I think the monarch is important because there is no other butterfly like a monarch! We should care about them because the monarch is a unique species.
  • Monarchs are important because they give us good flowers for honey. WE should care because they help us.
  • The monarch is important because they have beautiful wings. They scare the bad bugs and take care of the nice bugs.
  • Monarchs are important because their wings are so sensitive to your touch and they are soft. We should care about monarchs because they are butterflies that fly place to place.
  • The monarchs are the only butterfly that migrates. They are very important to our ecosystem.
  • The monarch is important because it is the only one that migrates. We should care because they are pretty.
  • The monarch is important because there are not a lot of them in our state. We should care because they are pretty and colorful.
  • The monarch is important because it is the only butterfly that migrates. We should care about the monarch butterfly because it is a living creature.
  • The monarch butterfly is important because they are like mini people with wings. We should help them migrate because they help make our world pretty. We should care about monarchs because like I said, "They make our world pretty."

Mary Beth Morrison Carpenter

I work with ninth grade urban youth in Minneapolis. We raised Monarchs in the fall and two of my students brought their science research project to the science fair at the University of Mn in December. Here are some of the comments my class made:
"They're pretty."
"They're pollinators and help us by pollinating fruits and vegetables."
"By raising Monarchs we learned how to do research with living things."

As a personal note, I love working with Monarchs in the classroom. Because they are beautiful, they attract students’ attention. By raising them, the students learn to respect all living things. In learning about their life cycle, we learn about prairie and forest ecosystems. We learn about their niche in their habitat and the importance of maintaining biodiversity in our ecosystems.
To me Monarchs are a beautiful insect. I have raised over 150 in one summer! But as a teacher, they are of tremendous value in increasing interest in science in students who are a challenge to motivate.

Christine B.
I'm 13. To answer your question of what to tell people when they ask why it is important to keep monarchs around: I think it's very important to not deprive our children and our grandchildren the joy of seeing live monarchs. My family has raised monarchs from our milkweed garden every year since I can remember, and I am still amazed every time. It's just such a beautiful thing, and I want to share that experience with my children. I want my kids to be able to share that with their kids. I am so attached to the species. They have helped instill an endless interest in science in me that I want my kids to have. That's why monarchs are so important.

I think we should care about monarchs because god made these living insects and he expects us to look after them for him.

Butterflies I think are very interesting and I think other people do as well. They are an insect that both men, women, boys and girls, like or love. A common ground. They are a beautiful insect, not the type of insect that make girls and women cringe or scream yuck! It is like ,WOW, it is thrilling! The monarch is like the queen or the cream of the crop of the butterflies. I have a holy bear and on his tummy is a monarch butterfly. The bear is holding a holy bible book and in it, it say that the butterfly represents the stages of Jesus' life. That bear rides everywhere with me in my car. Also if it is possible when I died at my funeral I would like somebody to do a butterfly release. That is my wish. Do you know of the Butterfly Release -Papago? It is an Indian story or legend of the butterfly. I thought that was way cool. So that story takes butterflies all the way back to the Indian's day and how highly they thought of the butterfly. I can see if we do not keep researching and caring more for the monarch it can or will be instance in no time at all. As I think the monarch butterfly is no. #1 on the list of butterflies you are researching with the right butterfly. I hope what I have said makes since and helps people see how important the monarch is to all of us and we should care about and for the monarch butterfly. Food for thought- If you were blind and the Lord granted you to be able to see 1 out of 3 insects in the world or named one out of three insects and one of them being a monarch butterfly and you could only choose one insect, what insect{s} would you choose to see?

Besides being beautiful and the fact that I am thoroughly fascinated by Monarchs, my answer is a question: Why is any living thing important? Which then begs the question, wny is any thing that was once living important? Monarchs are a part of the rich fabric that weaves through the air and land. They remind us that every living thing on earth deserves to thrive in peace and harmony. Their ability to navigate their journey south and survive the winter in Mexico serves as a reminder to humans that there are far greater things at work than the things that we concern ourselves with on a day-to-day basis.

Lily, age 10

I think the monarch is important because it is such a beautiful and interesting butterfly. Where I live in California (in Oakland) it is the biggest butterfly that comes in my yard. And I worry that it might become extinct if people don't help them by planting milkweed plants.

Monarchs make us happy. If you are in a bad mood and you see them flying around drinking nectar, puddling, or just hanging out, that would make you forget your troubles, and feel good.


Monarchs show me what it's like to be prosperous and having abundance, something that I want, personally. When everything is good, there is plenty of milkweed, and plenty of habitat in Mexico. When I witness things going bad, with the logging of their habitat in Mexcio, & loss of habitat in our country, then I move from a sense of prosperity to one of loss. Like the poet John Dunn's lines - No man is an island. Everyman is a piece of the continent, a part of the main... every man's death diminishes me..." And every factor that threatens the Monarch, affects me, diminishes me.

Because it is the only living creature that does no harm to any other living thing. It doesn't bite or sting and I believe that it was created by God just for man to enjoy. Aunt Donna's Butterfly Garden.

Bob Roeske
If mankind can be enticed into caring about Monarchs and their habitat, perhaps there will be transference to caring about mankind's habitat, spaceship earth.