Wintering South of the Border
Many Species Share a Small Area

Game: Taking A Global View
Mexican students play the same game! (More >>)
Overview: Does our Earth have more land or water? Spin or toss a globe to find out!

What you'll need: An inflatable globe or a spinning globe

  1. Land or water? If you have an inflatable globe, stand in a group. One student should toss the globe to someone else. The catcher should look at where his or her right-hand index finger lands. Is it on water or land? Put a mark on the board in one of those two labeled columns.

    (If you have a spinning globe, have one student spin it, with eyes closed, and move a finger up and down next to the globe. After 5 seconds, someone says "stop" and the student puts his or her finger on the globe.)

  2. Land or water? Your conclusion. After 20 tosses (or spins), tally your results. What can you conclude about the amount of land on Earth compared to the amount of water?
    (About 75% of Earth's surface is covered with water. Only 25% is covered with land. What percentages do you get from your numbers?)

  3. Where is the land? Look down at the Northern Hemisphere from the north pole (top of the globe). Next, flip the globe and look at the Southern Hemisphere from the South Pole. Which hemisphere seems to have more land?
The Northern Hemisphere from the North Pole
The Southern Hemisphere from the South Pole
Next: How much land can winter migrants find in Mexico? >>
Math Extension: Measuring Land Mass in Each Hemisphere >>