Living on Lipids
Surviving the Season on Stored Energy

National Science Education Standards

Science as Inquiry
Science investigations involve asking and answering a question and comparing that to what scientists already know about the world. (K-4)

Scientists use different kinds of investigations depending on the questions they are trying to answer. Types of investigations include describing objects, events, and organisms; classifying them; and doing a fair test (experimenting). (K-4)

Different kinds of questions suggest different kinds of scientific investigations. Some involve observing and describing objects, organisms, or events; some involve collecting specimens; some involve experiments; some involve seeking more information; some involve discovery of new objects and phenomena; and some involve making models. (5-8)

Scientists develop explanations using observations (evidence) and what they already know about the world. Good explanations are based on evidence from investigations. (K-4)

Life Science
The behavior of individual organisms is influenced by internal cues (such as hunger) and by external cues (such as a change in the environment).

National Math Standards

Number and Operations
Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates.

Data Analysis and Probability
Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them.