Which Grows Faster, a Monarch or a Milkweed Plant? |
Introduction | |
Monarchs often arrive in the spring just as milkweed is emerging from the ground. When milkweed is in short supply, a monarch may lay more than one egg per plant. "Egg loading" is a sign that milkweed is in short supply. If milkweed were plentiful, monarchs would not lay so many eggs on a single plant. When people see milkweed plants loaded with eggs, they wonder:
Activities | |
1. Introduce students to this topic by discussing the images and questions on the Journal Page. 2. Watch this Video Clip of a hungry caterpillar, and share background facts: It took only 20 minutes for this monarch to consume the leaf he was standing upon. He ate 3 leaves the afternoon of his filming! 3. View and discuss the slideshow, Can a Milkweed Plant Grow Fast Enough? |
Try It! Document the Growth of Milkweed and Monarchs |
1. Find a Milkweed Plant 2. Measure Milkweed Growth 3. Find a Monarch Egg and Document Changes
4. Summarize Your Results
5. Please Share Your Results!