Forty Best-practices Instructional Activities

Stop and Share
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40 Best-practices
Instructional Activities

Procedures: Students work with a partner to read and reflect on an informational article. Together they read and collect the facts from the text. After reading a paragraph or section of text, students “Stop and Share.” During this time, students recap the information they attained from the text, share personal responses and connections, make predictions, work out words, ask questions, and reread for clarification. They continue to “read, stop, and share” to work through the entire article.

Examples: After reading a paragraph about places birds build their nests, students share personal experiences with backyard birds. (Text-to-Self Connections) Other responses might include Text-to-World Connections, such as “It’s important to leave pets indoors during nesting season.” A Text-to-Text Connection might be: “This article reminds me of the one our class read last week on predators because...”

Variations: Use “Stop and Share” Cubes to target specific student responses. Construct a cube out of sturdy tag paper. On each side of the cube, write a sentence starter that prompts students to share specific responses. Examples include: “This text reminds me of...” “One important fact I learned is...” “The most confusing part was....” “I predict that...” “I wonder why....” “I think other the author....”

Reading Strategies: Monitor Level of Comprehension, Summarize Information, Generate Reader’s Response, Make Predictions, Synthesize Ideas, Make Generalizations, Ask Questions, Make Connections (Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, and Text-to-World)