Forty Best-practices Instructional Activities Two-Word Reflection & Think-Ink-Pair-Share
After reading a selection, ask students to pause and reflect
about the information. Ask them to write TWO WORDS that stand out as
key ideas. The words do not have to be related to each other. Have students
use the Think-Ink-Pair-Share technique to discuss their choices. Think:
Why did you select these two words from the article? Ink: Write your
reasons for your choices. Pair: Find a partner. Share: Share the two
words you selected from the article. Share the reasons for your “Stand
Out Words.”
Examples: After reading about satellite tracking and manatees, students might choose peduncle and hydrophone. After selecting these words, students write sentences that describe how peduncle and hydrophone are related to satellite tracking and manatees. Variations: Reading Strategies: Identify Main Ideas and Support Details, Synthesize Information, Recognize Themes, Build Vocabulary, Summarize Details, Paraphrase Text