Who Really Killed Cock Robin?

Facts in Chapter 2: The Case of the Detergents

p. 27: Bachelor male took over apple-tree female after her mate disappeared, possibly to Korkner's cat. New male guarded the nest and the Mayor's yard when Mr. Isidoro went down the back steps to the kitchen and turned on the radio.

When an individual robin (or many other kinds of birds) dies, its mate often takes a new mate. The new mate frequently assists with caring for the young.

p. 28: Of all our songbirds, the robin loves water best. Loves to splash in it, bathe, drink.

Although robins certainly bathe and drink a lot, there is no evidence that the robin loves water better than all other songbirds. This is an exaggeration.

p. 41: When a male dies or is killed, a bachelor male usually takes over his mate and land almost immediately.

This is true in areas where floaters (unattached males) exist. So it happens most often in prime habitat.