Florida Flock: A Question for You

Even though they’re social and comfortable together, these robins still maintain some personal space. You can see these robins aren’t feeding on trees. Perhaps the summer 2004 hurricanes destroyed many of the robins' feeding trees.

Do you see the faded gray of some of the robins' backs and heads? Those are females. Can you find some males, which show more contrast in color? These birds look like mostly females. That’s not a surprise to Laura, Journey North's robin expert. Laura says, “The robins that winter farther south are usually females. More males winter farther north. There’s a good reason for this."

Journaling Question:

  • Why do you think the robins that winter farther south are usually females, while more males winter farther north? (HINT: Think carefully about the springtime "duties" of both males and females. Why might it be an advantage for males to be farther north? For females to be farther south?) Compare your thoughts with the helpful information on our FAQS: Wintering Robins.

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