Bonus Monarch Math*


  1. The average weight of a live monarch butterfly is about 0.5 grams, or .0011023 pounds.
  2. How does a paper butterfly’s weight compare to a real butterfly? To solve subtract the weight of a real monarch from the weight of a paper monarch: Paper weighs 0.00605 pounds. 0.00605 - .0011023 = .00495 pounds. The paper monarch is .00495 pounds heavier.
  3. How many live monarchs would it take (if you could catch them!) to weigh a pound? One monarch weighs 0.0011023 pounds. Solve for "x": 0.0011023 "x" = 1.0 pound. "x" = 1.0 divided by .0011023. "x" = 907.194 (rounds to 907 live monarchs in a pound)!
  4. And finally, how many live monarchs would it take to weigh in at 337 pounds?
    907.194 x 337 = 305,724. There are 305,724 live monarchs in 337 pounds!

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