from Seven Oak Middle School
school is located in Lebanon, Oregon - the heart of Oregon’s
beautiful Willamette Valley!
This year, 6th grade students in Mr. Gullickson’s science classes planted
a total of 85 Red Emperor tulips. Throughout the course of this year’s
study we have tracked and recorded the daily above and below surface temperatures
in our JN garden. At the end of each month we graphed our daily temperatures
and used this information to make predictions about future weather patterns and
temperatures in our school garden.
year, two students in our class, Sierra and Gabrielle, wanted
to figure out a way to raise student awareness about the importance
of water conservation at our school and in our community. Using
their experience with the LEGO NXT robotics system, they developed,
built, and programmed a LEGO NXT remote sensing vehicle that
operates in our school Journey North garden. |
current design of this robot integrates the new LEGO NXT robotics
system, Vernier Software and Technology probes
and data
logging software, and either a Texas Instruments TI-84 graphing calculator
or a laptop computer. After conducting a number of test trials, Sierra
and Gabrielle have determined that their robot can definitely help
students to monitor water moisture content and soil temperatures
in our school
garden. In the future, students will begin exploring the possibilities
of studying the environment where our Journey North Garden exists
by incorporating the LEGO NXT robotic system, Bluetooth technology,
the soon to be released Vernier LabQuest.
If you’re interested in how we are using LEGO robotics as part
of our JN project please write. We are more than happy to share with
others information about this really cool way to make learning possible!
We hope all your tulips have awaked with spring’s arrival to your
Happy gardening,
The Students from Seven Oak Middle School