Spring at Latitude 45 Degrees North
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
45 North, 65 West
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Our school, Clark Rutherford Memorial School, is located in Cornwallis Park, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada (44.8, -65.5).

We are a 10 minute walk from the Annapolis Basin, which connects to the Bay of Fundy that has world famous 50 foot tides, via the Digby Gap. The Gap eroded through the North Mountain (volcanic in origin) to create the Annapolis Basin.

The school is at the western end of the Annapolis Valley (famous for the prime agricultural land that produces such diverse crops as apples, corn and cranberries! The Valley is nestled between the North Mountain (approximately 200 metres in height) and the glacier scarred granite Southern Upland (known as the South Mountain).

Our proximity to the salt water moderates our climate, keeping us cooler in the summer and milder in the winter compared to the interior of the province. Our hardiness zone, according to Vesey’s Seed Catalogue is 6a/b.

Our famous Butterfly Garden, where our tulips are planted is on the south side of the building so it gets full sun but also is exposed to the prevailing westerly winds. Last winter the brush mulch was blown off during one snowless period!

Lisa Proulx, Clark Rutherford Memorial School
Annapolis County, Nova Scotia

About Our Garden

PLANTED: October 15
EMERGED: March 6
BLOOMING: April 20


Views of Annapolis Basin, and the tulip garden from Clark Rutherford Memorial School

March 9, 2009
"Hi my name is Alex. We have 1 tulip up in our garden! We planted 12 last fall." Clark Rutherford Memorial School NS

April 20, 2009
Our tulips have bloomed ! We planted 12 bulbs and so far 10 have bloomed in our butterfly garden! DEVON , Grade 2/3 Clark Rutherford Memorial School

Proof of the tulips emerging >>