Update: September 8, 2011
Please Report
After You Plant:
report form

It's Time to Plant Your Tulip Test Garden!
The tulips in your test garden are tools to measure the climate of your region. Dig in now to get ready to announce the arrival of spring 2012.

Today's Report Includes:

Image of the Week
tulip garden sequence puzzle

Sequence Puzzle
Try It!

Let's Get Started! Slideshow

Fall is the time to begin your tulip garden study, but spring is when it will really bloom. That’s when you’ll see that spring arrives at different times in different places around the globe. When does spring reach your hometown? Hundreds of kids across North America are doing a fun experiment to measure the arrival of spring.

Introducing the Project with booklet and slideshow

Explore: Where Do We Plant Our Garden?

Because your tulips will proclaim the arrival of spring in your community, you must plant them in a site that best satisfies the planting protocol that all test gardens will follow. To help you choose your site, go out and explore the schoolyard climate. Explore different locations and gather data on temperatures and other variables.

Use our checklist or rubric to determine which of your possible planting sites best meets the planting protocol.

Journal Question:
Why is it important that all participants follow the same planting instructions, and plant their gardens according to protocol?

Make a Sketch

REPORT to the Map

After planting, report your garden "PLANTED" and you will see your garden on the map!

report your planting


Tulip Test Gardens: North America
More Journey North Lessons and Teaching Ideas!

The Next Tulip Garden Update Will Be Posted on October 6, 2011.