Tulip Report
Grade 2 Students
Nelson Rural School
Miramichi, New Brunswick Canada

We have been checking our tulips since we planted them on October 14th and have been waiting for them to emerge. This winter has been good and we did not have as much snow or as many storms as last year. We thought that the tulips would be up sooner.
We are comparing our garden with St. John’s Episcopal School in Dallas, Texas. They did not plant their garden until January 11th and their tulips emerged on January 29th. We couldn’t believe it. A lot of us thought that ours would be up first.
When we checked the other gardens that our school had planted in other years the tulips there emerged at the end of February and in March. We kept checking our garden and still there was nothing.
We discovered that the other gardens had hardly any snow in them, but our garden was still covered. We figured out that the school was blocking our garden and it was not getting as much sunlight during the day.
Finally when we went out on April 1st, the snow was gone and there were little red tips coming up through the ground. Our tulips had finally emerged! We will keep checking and measuring them and will report when they bloom. We can’t wait!