Spring 2013 Posted Thursdays:
Jan. 10, Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28, Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18, 25, May 2
Alaskan tulips and early flowers

June 6, 2013
Tulips are blooming in Alaska! How has seasonal change affected the greening of spring across the Northern Hemisphere?

Photo: Patrick Ryan

almost blooming

May 30, 2013
In Alaska, the snow is melting and gardens will soon awaken and proclaim spring's arrival.


word cloud May 23, 2013
Most Test Gardens have completed their bulb to bloom cycle. In Alaska, the snow is melting and gardens will soon awaken and proclaim spring's arrival.
Hinesbrg, VT

May 16, 2013
Springtime weather is finally reaching Alaska. Northern gardeners celebrate their May blooms.

Photo: Pat O'Brien

New York garden

May 2, 2013
Test gardens bring celebration to school yards across the Northern Hemisphere! Predict when northern Alaska will share in the celebration.

Photo: Jennifer Moreau

Williamsport garden

April 25, 2013
Signs of spring are popping up all over the map. From Maine to mid-continent Russia, tulip gardens are emerging. Celebrate your blooms as you explore the form and function of flowers.

Photo: Michelle McChesney

Yay! Emergence

April 18, 2013
Blooming tulips fill the news, but many gardeners are still waiting for emergence this colder-than-average spring.

Photo: J Schneider-Powers

Yay! Emergence

April 11, 2011
High temperatures spread across the east and southeast United States, while record cold and snowfall are recorded in the continent's mid-section this week. What's happening in your garden?

Photo: Kelly Fitzpatrick

Yay! Emergence

April 4, 2013
How many days between when your Test garden emerges and blooms? Map archives and temperature maps can help you predict.

Photo: Deanne Prins

sprouting up

March 21, 2013
As temperatures increase, tulips emerge. How does your garden look today?

Photo: Karen Frick

sprouting up

March 14, 2013
Over 30 Test gardens have reported emerging tulips since March 1st. As tulips emerge in many places, other regions are still waiting. When your tulips emerge, how will you document growth?

Photo: Jolene Slonac

tulip flower

March 7, 2013
First tulips in Europe for spring 2013! Explore the anatomy of flowers as you wait for your spring blooms.

Photo: Mary Hosier

ready to plant

February 28, 2013
Does the greening of spring sweep from south to north? Today's Test Garden map holds clues to help you predict. Use the map archives and resources to compare and contrast gardens from year to year.

Photo: Paula Marie Longo

ready to plant

February 21, 2013
Brrr...how do plants react to freezing temperatures? Learn how their cells contain plant anti-freeze. Put your labcoat on and explore. Discover more about weather maps.

Photo: Jenny Boneshyn

Science Notebooking February 14, 2013
A big winter storm dumped record snows over the east last week. How will all this snow affect temperatures and emerged tulips? Learn the Ojibwa word for "thank you."
Science Notebooking

February 7, 2013
What is happening underground? Your test garden is a springboard to discovery. How will soil temperatures affect plant growth? This month begin temperature investigations in the garden. Spotlight on a squirrel-proof garden.

Photo: Mary Hosier


Science Notebooking

January 10, 2013
Get ready to track the greening of spring with science notebooking. Gather all the observations, data, maps, questions, and experiments into one journal as the seasons unfold in gardens at home and across the globe. Spotlight on student-inspired experiments.

Photo: Melissa Anisel

wonder poster Welcome! The Spring Season's Coming
Starting January 10, through May 2, we will be tracking the arrival of spring across the Northern Hemisphere. Stay Tuned!
Fall 2012 Posted Thursdays:
Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 6, and Jan. 10
Tulip project video December 6, 2012
How do the Earth's different climate conditions affect plant growth? This week think global climate as you study temperature maps. Take a virtual tour of sample gardens from different locations and predict how they will grow.

November 8, 2012
How do plants respond to sun, shade, wind, calm, and other conditions in your schoolyard? Explore local microclimates, and try the Microclimate Challenge. Share the news about your Journey North tulip Test Garden in a press release. Meet some of the gardeners.

Photo: Teri Bickmore

Planting on PEI

October 11, 2012
Your tulip bulbs have arrived and you're ready to start digging...but wait! Use scientific skills to weigh, measure, and draw your tulip bulb and learn more about its structure. Turn your questions into experiments in the garden.

Photo: Alexandra Dekerf

planting at Heritage

September 13, 2012
Fall is the time to dig into activities that explore the BIG question: How can tulips help us measure the arrival of spring as it sweeps across the Northern Hemisphere? Discover how to choose a garden site and start planting your Red Emperor tulip bulbs!

Photo: Melissa Austin

wonder poster

Beginning in September, monthly updates will be posted here.
Get ready to plant your Journey North Tulip Test Garden and track the arrival of spring in your part of the world! How to participate...

Photo: Nelson Rural School, Miramichii, New Brunswick