Test Garden News: February 6, 2014
Please Report
Your Sightings!
Report Your Sightings
Test gardens are still dormant in most locations. A few gardens are beginning to emerge. What is happening underground?

Image of the Week
snow in the garden
Photo: Jennifer Eckman
Snow Days
News: Dormant and Emerging
While North Americans shivered in the coldest weather in decades, residents of Northern Europe experienced one of the mildest winters in a century. Here's what is happening in test gardens as days get longer:

  • Wisconsin: "Our tulips are covered in 18 inches of snow. Temperatures this past week have been -25°F with wind chills to -45°F. Today it was +20° and it felt like a warm spring day!" Mequon, WI 01/10/14

  • Utah: "We didn't see anything happening in the garden. It is covered with snow. They won't come up until spring." North Logan, UT 01/09/14

  • Louisiana: "Tulips were planted on one of the coldest south Louisiana days in recent history. Our morning low on planting day was 25°." Metairie, LA 01/06/14

  • Texas: "We planted bulbs today and it was chilly! Our hands were freezing! It was 26° that morning." Temple, TX 01/07/14

  • Alabama: "We noticed our tulips had emerged as a rare winter storm moved in. Will they survive?" Ft. Rucker, AL 01/28/14

  • England: "December and January was warmer than average. Our tulips are just peeping up above the soil." Ripley, UK 02/04/14
gardens under the snow
Bulbs are Resting
Photo: Stephanie Ryall
Journey North Tulip Test Gardens
Spring is Coming
Photo: Isa Delahunt
Journey North Tulip Test Gardens
Emerging Early
Photo: Catherine Petuya
Investigate: Soil Temperature
What is happening underground? Design your own investigations to explore the essential question, "How do soil temperatures affect plant growth?"

day and night temperatures
Soil Temperatures
Explore: Maps and Journal
Across the Northern Hemisphere our garden investigation has over 400 test sites. Keep your eye on your test garden and report when you see the first signs of emergence.
Map of Tulip Test Gardens in North America

Journal: Science Notebooking

Map of Tulip Test Gardens in Eurasia
North America
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report | map | list
Next Update February 13, 2014