Underground and Waiting
February 22, 2017, Mary Hosier

While most tulip Test Gardens still lay in waiting under the ground, there are 44 emerged tulip gardens to celebrate in the Northern Hemisphere.

Susan Voshell's Class
 "More tulips are emerging!"reported Eisenhower Elementary students. McPherson, Kansas 02/10/17

Record Breaking Temperatures

The central plains and eastern U.S. are experiencing record-breaking temperatures this week. How will a week's worth of 15 - 35° above normal temperatures affect tulip gardens in 2017?

"It's been a warm winter in SC! Our temperature is 70 degrees F today! Wondering how long it will be before all 25 emerge."
Simpsonville, South Carolina 02/16/17

"Extremely warm and unusual weather in Illinois for February!"
Hoffman Estates   02/21/17

"Tulips up! A week of abnormally high February temperatures warmed the soil under a layer of straw."
Cleveland Heights, Ohio  02207/17

bulb for planting
 Lisa Gelman

snow in Washington

Comparing Years of Data

How do Test Garden emerge and bloom dates compare from year to year across the whole experiment—or for one location across the years? Study this collection of Test Garden maps, captured in North America on February 21st, to see how gardens from the past 5 years compare and contrast. Summarize what you find.

Maps and Journal Page
Will warmer temperatures push some Red Emperor tulips to bloom this week? Predict where the first blooming garden will be located.

What's happening in your garden?

Journey North Climate Garden Map: North America
report | map | list
line of emergence


Next Update February 29, 2017