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2007 Contest Checklist



On the top of the new Answer Form (below), you must fill in the required information about your class, school, grade, etc.

We judge the contest by grade level, so if you do not include your grade, we will judge your answer with the 12th grade answers.
(If you're a multi-grade class, list all grades in the class).


Next, you will fill in ten sets of boxes (one set for each mystery site) with the information to answer this question: "Where in the world do you think the ten Mystery Classes are located?"

Your answer MUST include all of the following information about each mystery site:

a. The name of the city or town or borough.
b. The name of the country.
c. The site's approximate latitude and longitude


Be careful! Doublecheck your answer BEFORE submitting. You will not be allowed to change your answer and submit it again to change or correct your mistakes (even transposed locations).


What if I have more than one class in the contest?
Teachers with several separate classes participating should submit a separate answer form for each of their separate classes.

Under "Class Name" be sure to identify which specific class the answer is from.


  • "Ms. Johnson's 1st hour class", or
  • "Ms. Johnson's 4th hour class"

I understand the above rules

Now you are ready to go to the Answer Form, fill it in and submit your answers:

Enter the Contest >>



DEADLINE APRIL 27: To be fair to everyone, any answers sent after that date will not be eligible for the contest.

___7. Congratulate yourself and your students on a job well done! You have worked very hard and come such a long way from the beginning of this Activity. Let us know what you think about the journey! Fill in the comments section on the Answer Form or write to >> .We'd love to hear from you!