Interdisciplinary Clues

For Mystery Class #7

March 21, 2008


"A large percentage of the world's fresh water is found on this continent, yet there are few rivers, it hardly ever rains, and actually the continent is considered a desert (but we have no sand or camels)."


March 28, 2008

"I live on a continent nearly 60 times the size of the UK, yet we have no government. The population is very small and varies with the time of year."

"One of our seasonal visitors is pictured below. Some say it gets more daylight than any other creature, because its migration (perhaps the farthest yearly journey of any bird) takes it to locations in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres when the days there are the longest on earth. Study a bird guide to identify this long distance flyer and learn its range -- and a clue to our location. "

Click on image to enlarge

April 4, 2008
"In our summer months my home becomes a busy airport, but the planes are transporting scientists and not holidaymakers." "Named after the person who 1st surveyed the local area, the place where I live has only been occupied by people for about the last 32 years. "

(Click image to enlarge)

April 11, 2008
"Our location is on an island. Last July myself and 4 other musicians here played our songs to a live audience of 17 people, but 2 billion people worldwide saw us play on TV and the internet."

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